This consultation is now closed.

*Final Opportunity to Have Your Say on Central 6 Masterplan Projects*

The Warrington Central 6 Regeneration Masterplan will be produced to guide development and investments in the central wards for the next 30 years. The main wards covered are Bewsey and Whitecross, Fairfield and Howley, Orford, Latchford East, Latchford West and Poplars and Hulme.If you live or work in the central area, please get involved and have your say over the plans. It's important you play your part to help design, help make a priority and change future projects.

In November 2018 we asked what you thought of your area and what you wanted to happen first for the area. Some of the key issues raised included transport, better quality environment and safety. Full details are in the Central 6 phase 1 analysis report. 

In March we invited you to meetings around the central area to share your thoughts on the ideas that were put forward, and to help decide between them. We also wanted to know which groups you thought were best placed to help deliver the final projects. Take a look at the Central 6 Masterplan materials.

In June we held a test and review workshop, where emerging project plans and locations were shared and pledges of support were sought from partners and the community.

From 11 July to 2 August there is a final opportunity to comment on the draft masterplan projects before they are included in the final plan.  A copy of the proposals can be downloaded at the top of this page, where you will also find a link to the online survey.

Keep in touch

Twitter and Instagram: #central6


0141 945 3651
[email protected]

20 February 2023