Every three years, Warrington Borough Council is required under the Gambling Act 2005 to produce a Gambling Policy (“Statement of Principles”) setting out the Authority’s approach to licensing premises used for gambling such as amusement arcades, betting shops, bingo halls, casinos and clubs and pubs that provide gaming machines including other permits and notices issued under the Gambling Act 2005.
The Authority has produced a draft revision of the Statement of Principles for gambling and is consulting with local residents, businesses, Responsible Authorities and other partner agencies.
Licensed premises play a prominent and important part in the local communities and the Authority welcomes the views of residents, its statutory consultees and indeed anyone who has an interest in licensing and the promotion of the licensing objectives in Warrington.
The licensing objectives under the Gambling Act 2005 are:
- To prevent gambling from being:
- a source of crime and disorder,
- associated with crime and disorder, or
- used to support crime;
- To ensure gambling is conducted in a fair and open way;
- To protect children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling.