The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) provides a high level overview on a wide range of factors that affect the health and wellbeing of the people of Warrington.

The aim of the JSNA is to involve partner organisations, such as the local NHS, local authorities, and third sector organisations in a rolling programme of strategic needs assessments and intelligence gathering in order to provide a top level, holistic view of current and future need within the town. The JSNA is used to agree key priorities to improve the health and wellbeing of all our communities and to reduce health inequalities.

Findings from the JSNA were used to inform the latest Health and Wellbeing Strategy:

During 2020, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the business continuity arrangements in place across all partners, the JSNA programme was paused. Work has recently recommenced to update the JSNA Core document and review priorities for the annual programme.

JSNA Core document

A key aspect of the JSNA programme is the annual production of the JSNA ‘Core’ document. This document summarises a range of high-level indicators that help to describe the health of the local population across the life-course. 

JSNA annual programme and summary

Alongside the production of the JSNA ‘Core’ document, the JSNA programme consists of a rolling programme of in-depth needs assessments, prioritised by the multi-agency JSNA Steering Group. Wherever possible, in-depth work is undertaken in parallel with strategic planning, and the development of commissioning strategies. An annual process is built into the on-going programme, whereby findings from work undertaken during the year are summarised and work for the coming year is prioritised and work programme developed.  The latest JSNA Summary is available below

JSNA domains

The JSNA is divided into five broad domains:

  1. Demography: Provides information on the profile of the local population
  2. Starting Well: Work within this domain considers a wide ranges of factors known to impact on the health and wellbeing of children and young people
  3. Staying Well: Divided into two sub-domains which broadly consider; health related behaviour and lifestyle risk factors, and some of the main causes of ill-health and premature death.
  4. Ageing Well: Work under this domain considers evidence and intelligence on main risk factors and issues relating to older people.
  5. Wider Determinants of Health: This is a broad domain which considers those wide-ranging factors that are known to impact on health and wellbeing, including aspects such as housing, employment and poverty.

JSNA individual domains and chapters

The following section presents recently published JSNA chapters.  A number of topic specific JSNA chapters have been removed from this page and archived.  If you require access to these archived documents please send a request to  


Information on population trends and the local makeup of the Warrington population is available from the files and links below.

Starting well

Information in the JSNA chapters and links below provide an overview of prenatal and infant health, lifestyle and risk factors such as smoking, alcohol and obesity, and information on specific population groups such as children in care and young offenders. In addition links to more recent data on relevant topics are also provided.

Links to relevant nationally available data and profiles:

Staying well

Chapters and intelligence within this domain consider individual health and lifestyle such as physical activity, smoking, substance misuse, diet and obesity, and provide information on the health outcomes and assessments of the burden of ill-health in the local population and information on the use of services. In addition links to more recent data on relevant topics are also provided.

Ageing well and the health of specific vulnerable groups

This domain consists of chapters which provide information and intelligence on main risk factors and issues relating to older people, and certain key vulnerable groups including levels of need, and services which provide support and care. In addition links to more recent data on relevant topics are also provided

Links to relevant nationally available data and profiles:

Wider determinants of health

These chapters provide intelligence on those wide-ranging factors that are known to impact on health and wellbeing, such as housing, employment and poverty. Within this domain there is also an overview of the latest national Indices of Multiple Deprivation. In addition links to more recent data on relevant topics are also provided

Links to relevant nationally available data and profiles:

Pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA)

A Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) is a statutory document that describes health and wellbeing need and the provision of pharmacy services.

The PNA is used by NHS England when they are reviewing any applications for new pharmacy provision or approving any changes to existing contracts.

The production and publication of a PNA became a statutory requirement in the Health Act 2009.

24 June 2024