Pyramid building at night

Warrington people are being asked to share their views on experiencing a safe, vibrant night time economy with a broad cultural appeal.

The council has launched a Night Time Economy consultation, as part of a review of the town’s licensing policy, to ensure local need is considered and the views of residents are reflected.

The special policy, known as a cumulative impact assessment, looks at whether there is evidence to show that the number, or density of licensed premises in a particular area, is leading to local problems, such as crime and disorder and public nuisance.

The survey is asking local residents to comment on their experiences of nightlife across the town, with a focus on the cultural quarter, town centre, Stockton Heath, Culcheth and Lymm.

There are questions around the numbers and types of bars and restaurants available, their opening hours and any effect that these premises, and the people who use them, have on the local community.

There is also an opportunity for people to let the Council know their views on how well served they think areas are by pubs, bars and family orientated venues and how they feel about the potential opening of new premises.

In addition, people are invited to share their experiences of how the COVID-19 pandemic may have changed how they feel about having a night out in Warrington.

All information from the consultation will help shape the future of Warrington’s night time economy and inform the Council’s licensing policies to consider local need.

Warrington Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for environment, housing and public protection, Cllr Hitesh Patel, said: “We realise that this has been a challenging time for businesses, particularly within the hospitality sector, and for people in general. We understand that people want to be able to enjoy a safe and vibrant night time economy.

“It’s important that our licensing policies consider local need and reflect the views of the public. This survey will help us to review our Cumulative Impact Assessment, whilst giving us an important insight into people’s views and aspirations for our night time economy”.

The three-week consultation closes on Monday 16 May 2022. 

If you have any concerns or questions about the survey, require the questionnaire in another language or format including large print, Braille, audio or British Sign Language or would like assistance in completing the form, please email [email protected].

16 August 2023