Image of a polling station sign

Residents and community groups are being asked for their views on possible changes to local polling districts and stations.


The council is carrying out a review of polling districts and polling places. The results will establish the polling districts and stations for all future borough elections.

Residents are invited to comment on how convenient current polling stations are for voting, with suggestions for alternative sites welcomed.

You can view representations on the council’s website. They are also available for inspection at the Town Hall reception, Warrington WA1 1AU and Stockton Heath Library, Alexandra Park, Alexandra Rd, Stockton Heath, Warrington WA4 2AN.

Chief Executive at Warrington Borough Council, Professor Steven Broomhead MBE, who is Returning Officer for elections, said: “Local democracy matters. We want as many people as possible to exercise their right to vote – and to have a say when it comes to how and where they vote too.

“All the information about the proposed changes to polling district boundaries is set out clearly on our website. We welcome the views of all residents, particularly residents with disabilities or those who might face barriers to participation when it comes to elections and voting.

“It’s really important that you let us know before the deadline if you have any concerns about the proposed changes, in order to help us make the right decisions.”

For more visit:

You can comment on the review by Monday 30 October:
By post:
 Electoral Services, Town Hall, Warrington, WA1 1UH
By email:


18 July 2024