Images of young people in different roles

This Child Employment Month, the council is reminding businesses that employ children aged between 13 and 16 years old that they need permits to comply with employment laws.


Businesses are being reminded that:

  • No child under 13 is allowed to work, unless they are taking part in a performance and the business has a performance licence
  • No child aged 13-16 may be employed before 7am or after 7pm on any day
  • No child may work for more than four hours without a break of at least one hour
  • No child under 16 can work for more than two hours on a Sunday
  • Teenagers aged between 13 and 16 can take part in light work in a number of different areas including shop work, office work and working in hair salons, cafes, restaurants, and riding stables

Paula Worthington, Director of Education and Inclusion, Families and Wellbeing at Warrington Borough Council said: “The welfare of our children and young people is paramount, and if they are taking part in part-time work opportunities, it’s vital that employers ensure that their needs are being met and that all those who do work are doing so safely.”

During term time, no child can be employed for more than 12 hours per week. There are also other guidelines for the number of weekends and hours during holiday times that children can work.

Businesses who do not comply with the law could face a fine of up to £1000, and are risking the safety of young people they employ.

For more information visit

18 July 2024