National Care Leavers Week (NCLW) runs from Wednesday 25 October to Wednesday 1 November, as Warrington joins many other councils as part of the national campaign calling for the public, professionals, carers and decision-makers to ‘CARE’.
‘CARE’ stands for:
- Celebrate care leavers
- Amplify their voices
- Raise awareness of challenges
- Encourage change in policy and practice
Warrington is celebrating NCLW with a range of events and activities aimed at supporting young people’s mental wellbeing, promoting links with communities, and improving employment prospects and education opportunities.
Events taking place include a walk at Walton Hall and Gardens before heading for a delicious carvery, pledge and local offer for care leavers launch at a corporate parent meeting with young people, elected members and key officers, a trip to Alton Towers, ‘Ready, Steady, Cook’ and practical tips session to boost our children in care and care leavers’ independence skills, a birds of prey activity, and a Halloween party.
NHS Cheshire and Merseyside is holding an online NHS careers session via Microsoft Teams on Thursday 26 October where young people can find out more about the types of jobs available in the NHS, routes into the NHS, advice around which career they may be suited to, and where to find/how to apply for NHS jobs. To register and for more information, visit NHS Cheshire and Merseyside’s website.
The council is also using the week to run a number of ‘take over days’ where care leavers will take over roles within the Senior Leadership Team and across other services. Care leavers will be able to gain insight into how the council works and be encouraged to share their views and experiences to help improve the support available in Warrington.
Warrington Town Hall will be lit up blue throughout the evening on Saturday 28 October, alongside other landmarks across the country, to celebrate care experienced young people and the Care Leaver Covenant.
Also, to mark 20 years of the Young People’s Benchmarking Forum, councils are being asked to plant a ‘Positivitree’ with local young people. This is to symbolise aspirations for care leavers and how they can be supported to grow and thrive, with plans being finalised to plant a ‘Positivitree’ in Bank Park next to the Town Hall.
Cllr Sarah Hall, cabinet member for children’s services, said: “It’s vital that we celebrate, amplify, raise awareness and encourage young care leavers in Warrington. We want to ensure they have high aspirations and the chance to grow and thrive, no matter their background.
“Care Leavers Week provides the perfect opportunity for us to celebrate how inspirational our young people are, reflect on the work we do to support them as corporate parents, and look at how we can continue to improve this by putting their experiences at the heart of everything we do.
“Young people who leave care can face challenges with education, employment and housing, and may struggle with their mental wellbeing at times, so I hope as many people as possible take advantage of the events and activities that are taking place across the borough throughout the week.”
If you are a care leaver in Warrington and want to know more about the support available, visit our care leavers webpage.
For more information about National Care Leavers Week 2023, visit the Become charity website for children in care and young care leavers.