Supplementary planning documents (SPDs) build upon and provide more detailed advice or guidance on policies in an adopted Local Plan. As they do not form part of the development plan, they cannot introduce new planning policies into the development plan. They are however a material consideration in decision-making.

Supplementary planning documents 2024

On 8 July 2024, we adopted the Environmental Protection SPD, Planning Obligations SPD and the Warrington Design Guide SPD as planning guidance. These documents are provided below, together with the associated consultation and adoption statements

Supplementary planning documents 2021

On 21 June 2021, we adopted the Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and the House Extensions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) as planning guidance. These documents are provided together with the associated Adoption Statements and the Schedules of Representations received on the SPDs.

It should be noted that the House Extensions SPD replaces the House Extensions Guidelines, which is now revoked.

Other supplementary planning documents

In order to give further advice to applicants, and to maximise the effectiveness of policies, we've prepared supplementary planning documents (SPD)  on a number of topics.

The following go into more detail than the Development Plan and clarify specific aspects of policies and their application:

25 July 2024