The Libraries Partnership Board (LPB) has now been set up to ensure Warrington's library services are dynamic, comprehensive, universal and sustainable for all Warrington residents.


In 2016, LiveWire, the community interest company (CiC) that runs Warrington’s leisure, library and lifestyle services, consulted on how to modernise the library service.

In response, many people stressed how important the service is to them, and the good it does for our communities and cultural life.

This strength of feeling led to the set-up of a Libraries Working Group to consider residents’ feedback, review the needs of local people, and liaise with community groups.

The group made recommendations to keep all libraries open for the foreseeable future, which was approved by the council's Cabinet in December 2017. After this, the LPB was set up to deliver a new partnership strategy and establish a new set of performance measures.

LPB responsibilities:

  • Support Warrington Borough Council to deliver a libraries service in compliance with the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964.
  • Provide strategic support for the implementation and delivery of the Transforming Warrington’s Public Libraries Strategy 2019-2022.
  • Act as a critical friend to the Library service, seeking best practice whilst understanding the challenging financial environment the service is being delivered within.
  • Draw on national and international best practice to identify opportunities to sustain and enhance the libraries offer in Warrington.
  • Support LiveWire in seeking external funding opportunities to promote innovation and best practice.
  • Act as advocates for Warrington’s library service, supporting with library marketing plans and initiatives.
  • Support with enhancing community and volunteer engagement within Warrington’s libraries.

The board can make recommendations to the council's Cabinet, policy committees, and to the LiveWire Board.

Library partnership board meetings

The next library partnership board meeting on the 10tJune 2024 (between 2.30pm and 4.00pm) will take place on Teams, If you'd like to attend the meeting, please email Garry D'Arcy to secure a place at the online meeting

Be assured that the council continues to work extremely hard with its partners and the community to ensure that vital services continue to be delivered to those who need them.  

The board may consider a matter in private if is 'confidential and exempt information' as set out in the council’s constitution (Section E, Access to Information - Rule 8).

The board meets at least every two months, more often if needed.

View all meeting minutes and agendas in our document library

Library strategy Refresh 2023 – 2026

The Library Strategy 2019 -2022 has been refreshed and updated following Covid and will run from 2023-2026.

The strategy has been adopted by the Library Partnership Board and is now a live document.

Board members

  • Lynton Green (Chair) - Director of Corporate Services, Warrington Borough Council
  • Eleanor Blackburn - Head of Strategic Partnerships and Commissioning, Warrington Borough Council
  • Cheryl Siddall - People, Chief Operating Officer (interim basis) , LiveWire
  • Rachel Ralston - Strategic Library Manager, LiveWire
  • Amanda Juggins - Business Intelligence Manager, Warrington Borough Council
  • Steve Cullen - Chief Officer, Warrington District Citizens Advice Bureau
  • Peter Lewenz - SWISH
  • Gary Borrows - Save Warrington Libraries
  • Joan Grimes - Friends of Culcheth Library
22 April 2024