We're committed to the consistent provision of top quality and  cost-effective services. We are improving how we manage all our resources, including our highway assets.

Our highway infrastructure is valuable as it's of significant importance for national and local economic prosperity. It's no surprise that the levels of funding for the management of this are under continuous review. There's ever-increasing pressure from government and the public for transparency, accountability and more efficient use of the limited resources available.

Having an asset management strategy allows for a more efficient and effective use of resources. It also fulfils legal obligations, delivering stakeholder needs and safeguarding the engineering integrity of the network.

The following documents outline our approach to asset management.

Highway Asset Management Strategy
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and supporting documents
Bench-marking results 2017
Communications strategy 2017-2018
Resilient network proposal 2017-2019
Skidding resistance policy - May 2017
1 August 2023