Our corporate strategy 2020 -2024 has a key pledge that - ‘Our residents live healthy, happy and independent lives’. This Housing Position Statement aims to set out our current position and what is needed to make sure that adults with complex needs can enjoy a ‘quality of life’ in Warrington in a home that meets their needs. 

The statement considers the housing accommodation needs for people with complex needs living in Warrington. Complex needs covers people with a ‘Learning Disability, profound multiple disabilities, Mental Health, Autism and Acquired Brain Injury’. For many people with complex needs they need specialised accommodation, support and care. 

This statement outlines our demand, needs and challenges, it is essential that everyone reading it acknowledges it is fundamentally about people and we urge you to read the life story examples provided to understand life changing importance of living in the right home, place and with the right support. 

Post consultation

Following the recent consultation period we've added a checklist for all prospective supported living accommodation in Warrington. This will ensure that we record all information relating to new accommodation, making the process of meeting accommodation needs in the borough clear. 

Supported living accommodation
11 October 2024