If you appear to be in need of care and support we may carry out a needs assessment, regardless of whether we think you will have to pay the full costs of your care.
A needs assessment looks at your situation, including any health problems or disabilities and how they are impacting on your day to day life.
When we do an assessment we look at the things you can do and the support you have around you, as well as any difficulties you might be having.
If you have an assessment and we find that you are eligible for services, we will provide you with a copy of the decision.
We will then agree with you:
- Which of your needs are to be met
- How those needs will be met
This could include:
- advice to help you to stay independent and well
- equipment adaptations and technology
- care and support in your own home
- care homes, sheltered or supported accommodation
If you’re not eligible, we will provide an explanation to tell you why.
To request a needs assessment, you can contact the One Front Door team on 01925 443322 (option 1 followed by option 2) or send us a message at servicereception@warrington.gov.uk We aim to reply to all emails within two working days.