Warrington Local Plan 2021-2038

Statement of Representations Procedure and Availability of Documents

The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) (Regulation 19)


Warrington Borough Council is preparing a new Local Plan.  This statement sets out details of the Plan and how you may submit comments (or ‘representations’) on it.

Title of Document, Subject Matter and Area Covered

The new plan will be called the ‘Warrington Local Plan 2021-2038’.  It will cover the whole of the Borough of Warrington, and will include:

  • A vision and objectives setting out what type of place Warrington should be in 2038 and beyond;
  • Strategic policies guiding the future development and use of land (for housing, employment, retail and other uses);
  • Allocation of sites for particular types of development;
  • Areas where development is to be constrained; and
  • Detailed policies to help guide the determination of planning applications.

How you may view the Plan documents

The current version of the emerging Plan is known as the Updated Proposed Submission Version Local Plan 2021.  Copies of the following documents will be made available for public inspection from Monday 4th October until 5pm on Monday 15th November 2021:

  • The Updated Proposed Submission Version Local Plan;
  • Supporting Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment documents;
  • Evidence base reports and other supporting documents which underpin the Plan; and
  • Representation forms, guidance notes and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

These documents can be viewed on the Council’s website at: www.warrington.gov.uk/localplan   

Alternatively a copy of the Updated Proposed Submission Version Local Plan (2021) and associated Policies Map can be viewed at the Council’s Time Square offices and all libraries within the Borough - please check your local branch for opening times.

Submitting representations on the Plan

You may submit comments (known as ‘representations’) on the Plan or any of its supporting documents at any time before 5pm on Monday 15 November 2021. Please note that late representations cannot be accepted.

It is recommended that representations are made by completing the Council’s Representation Form with the aid of the guidance note (available on the website and at the locations referred to above).  Representations can be made by:

  • Using the online form at www.warrington.gov.uk/localplan
  • Email to [email protected]
  • Post to: Local Plan, Planning Policy and Programmes, Growth Directorate, Warrington Borough Council, East annexe, Town Hall, Sankey Street,  Warrington WA1 1HU
  • Hand delivery to the Reception at the Council’s 1 Time Square Offices from 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday

Consultation Events

A series of public consultation events have been arranged at the South Stand Concourse, Halliwell Jones Stadium on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 12 October - 2pm until 8pm
  • Thursday 14 October - 8am until 2pm
  • Saturday 16 October - 10am until 4pm
  • Monday 18 October - 2pm until 8pm
  • Wednesday 20 October – 8am until 2pm

Next steps

It is proposed that early in 2022, the Plan, all supporting documents and any representations received within the representation period, will be submitted to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.  The Plan will be examined by a Government Inspector, with an Examination in Public expected in summer/autumn 2022.  The Inspector will decide whether the Council may adopt the Plan (with or without modification).  The Council anticipates adoption of the Plan in late 2023.

Your right to request to be notified of further progress

Any representation which you submit may be accompanied by a request to be notified at a specific address of any of the following:

  • The submission of the Warrington Local Plan 2021-2038 for independent examination under Section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004;
  • The date of the Examination in Public;
  • The publication of the recommendations of the Planning Inspector appointed to carry out an independent examination of the Plan; and
  • The adoption of the Plan.

Data protection

We process public data as part of our public task to prepare the Local Plan, and will retain this in line with our Privacy Policy. For more information on what we do and your rights please see the data protection information on our website.

Steve Park, Director of Growth

10 November 2021