Priority 7: We will support better collection of data about young carers, young adult and adult carers (including parent carers), that is up to date and is aligned between the council and other agencies. This will ensure key partner agencies know who a carer is, and carers don’t have to repeat information unless necessary.

What issue is this priority addressing?

Feedback from carers in Warrington obtained in January 2021 highlights that some carers feel over-burdened by needing to repeatedly explain their circumstances to multiple agencies. Carers described having to keep ‘re-applying’ as a carer despite information relating to their caring responsibilities being help by a health or social care agency.

The Warrington system could improve information collection and information sharing to prevent carers from having to unnecessarily provide information.

How will this priority be delivered?

  • We will standardise information on Early Help and Team Around the Family documentation, so that the identification of young carers working with anyone in the council is shared at all levels.
  • We will improve processes to ensure that accurate information on adult carers is captured on Mosaic.
  • We will put in place data sharing agreements, to enable carers information to be shared across agencies, with permission.

What are the potential measures of success?

  • Improved recording of support provided to carers.
  • Positive feedback from carers about communication between agencies.