Respondent name
Alison Hunt
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

I wish to object to the revised plan for similar reasons to my initial objection. There will be a massive reduction in biodiversity of this region and damage to habitats. The removal of hedgerows especially is a concern. Lack of infrastructure to support the housing and development. The traffic problems in Warrington south are exasperated and this would development would further the issues. Increased pollution levels due to more cars, further reducing Warrington?s air quality. Potential flooding in an already waterlogged area. Some areas of Thelwall and Grappenhall are already affected by flooding. I feel that adding more hard/ concrete surfaces will make this problem unmanageable. There are other areas in Warrington that could be developed such as Brownfield sites. I also feel that Warrington town centre needs cleaning up as it is an unpleasant and hostile environment after dark. With all the other Environmental issues that our planet is facing, I find it irresponsible of WBC to be even considering this proposal.