Respondent name
W Hamilton
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

In regards to the proposed development of south Warrington I would draw your attention to the infrastructure that exists and what would be needed if 4000 houses + a large warehouse complex were to be built
The present traffic situation overwhelms the roads that we have. Four Victorian built bridges between north and south Warrington, three which can be opened to let ships use the canal, no time table, no off peak only use, no control of these bridges by Warrington transport officers, traffic chaos at any time day or night. The forth bridge ,the cantilever , Victorian design and built, was wonder of Victorian times but Warrington surely don?t intend to use this bridge as part of a ?mass transit? system The jobs that will be created by the warehousing will not be for unemployed people of Warrington. these jobs already exist and are not readily taken by the unemployed, if local people did take jobs in the new warehousing complex?s how will they get there, too far by bike, unreliable buses, so cars will be used adding to the cars being used by the new residents Warrington buses are a poor operator of public transport and cannot be considered as part of any infrastructure plan. Warrington buses are so poor that the bus drivers use cars to get to work, it was not long ago they bought a car park at Bridgefoot exclusively for their staff