Respondent name
Heather Whitty
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

I write to object to the local plan. PolicyMD5 Specifically the inclusion of designated green belt land at Thelwall Heys You cannot raid this green belt land as a first option More emphasis on the town centre derelict and underused buildings would have been an imaginative way to address housing needs of a town hoping to gain city status. The plan has no ideas to improve local roads and no mention of infrastructure to be put in place before houses are built The social, environmental and ecological impact of this plan has not been properly assessed. It should be the councils duty to safeguard the small amount of country side we have left in Grappenhall to preserve the setting and character of the area The inclusion of this site is short sited If government is serious about protecting green space then local mps and Local Borough, Town or Local Borough, Town or Parish Councillors should be advising planners to revise their plans ASAP