Respondent name
Rose Woodcroft
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

I want to raise objections and questions to the latest plan but I cannot find detailed information on certain aspects as it?s not clear on the map. Stockton Lane - what is the plan for the Lane? Will it remain? Will it be used for traffic from the new housing estate? Traffic - is the whole of the new housing estate running alongside Stockton Lane and Lumb Brook road to have access to Lumb Brook Road and Lumb Brook bridge? I live on Lumb Brook Road next to Lumb Brook bridge. How deep is the green buffer on the corner of Stockton Lane and Lumb Brook Road? Is the new Lumb Brook Primary school entrance right off Lumb Brook Road? Is any of the Millennium Field being built on? I wholly object the plan to build on this much green belt being built on. It is so close to the Stockton Heath/Cobbs border. The plan states to build links to Warrington town but about the pressure on Stockton Heath? Traffic, parking etc? Lumb Brook road is gridlocked twice a day at school drop off/pick up and also rush hours. How will all these extra cars (min / per household) exit the development onto Lumb Brook Road and Bridge? The pollution - all this regular standing traffic. The volume of pollution from car fumes will be significantly higher? How is this protecting the community and our children. Cobbs infant school/Broomfield Juniors already exit from Bridge Lane onto Lumb Brook Road which causes huge queues and you want to double that with another primary schools traffic? Broomfield Junior parents picking up and dropping off their children by car use Withern Avenue which is already very busy and you want to add another primary school to that route and a whole housing estate. Lyons Lane is also very busy with Bridgewater High traffic - the queues to get onto London Road will tail back plus the pollution to the existing houses. Stockton Lane - are the new houses having access to this narrow quiet country Lane with all the wildlife and access to the one way bridge into Grappenhall Road? I completely object to the destruction of the green belt adjacent to Stockton Lane. It?s too close and eradicates the buffer to the existing local community from the impending excessive housing development. It will put too much pressure on the environment and most importantly the roads.