Respondent name
Mathew Maddock
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Please receive this email as a full objection to the Warrington Local Plan 2021. Cheshire has 5% (FIVE) tree coverage, I imagine Warrington alone has even less. The EU has 35% on average. This town needs more accessible green environments that encourage a healthy lifestyle, and I don't just mean a poxy copse where a passerby would question what you're up to. I mean actual acreage of trees and green spaces. Alone time. It took a Pandemic to amend the plan from insanely irresponsible to incredibly irresponsible, so I'm not confident the planners fully understand the impact of even more highly populated urban sprawls, but then we have to assume it's about money, and pressure from superiors which create the collective groupthink that forces individuals to put aside their differing personal views, no matter how contrary.
During the pandemic, we were made very aware that health impacted survival rates. And during lockdown when we were allowed outdoor exercise, you couldn't properly social distance because of the lack of open spaces and the sheer amount of people. New paths were formed in the tiny woods we have access to, in a desperate attempt to not closely pass the 374th person. We have human rights to a healthy living environment - this plan is another giant leap away from our natural roots and towards inhalation of car fumes by brake lights. Towards increased imbalance of C02. Toward even longer waiting lists for doctors, dentists, hospitals (if that's possible). Towards no school places for kids. Towards an overall depressed, volatile, angry population.