Respondent name
Julie Hatton
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

I wish to object in the strongest possible terms to the Draft Local Plan of the South East Extension on the following grounds. Firstly it will completely threaten the individuality of the villages of Appleton Thorn; Appleton; Wrights Green and Grapenhall having a detrimental affect on these villages as they will just become a homogenised mass with no identity. Houses are already being built in Appleton Thorn and Stretton with the detrimental affects of traffic on a limited road infrastructure; school availability and lack of GP and dentist resources. A massive influx of traffic on these roads leads to congestion and levels of fumes and pollution detrimentally affecting people?s health and well being!! Air pollution has been found affect asthma and dementia cases where pollution is above agreed levels.
How can the council be looking to release green belt land yet again when the government has identified first point of call should be brown belt land which is yet to be utilised in the Warrington area.
There are no plans to manage the extra transport and cars that 4,200 properties will bring onto already congested roads in the area. NO new roads are being built to offer relief to this congestion only to access land for development adding a further burden to already polluted busy roads.
And finally putting more logistics into an already congested; polluted motorway junction is adding extra burden to current residents. It would also create more traffic on small roads with people having to travel to this area to access questionable numbers of jobs. I can only ask that this plan is thrown out as it is a totally unsuitable plan for this land and area.