Respondent name
Peter Jackson
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Whole Plan
Summary of comments

Addressing the draft Local Plan brought to my attention, I wish to respond in favour of modification in order that existing and derelict brownfield sites are developed first, in order to improve the structure of the town centre and surroundings and remove the stigma of being yet another unkempt run down northern town. For any town to thrive, the structure and basic facilities made available to residents and visitors alike must be at the forefront of any proposed development. We don?t want it turned into a ?Shanty Town? where the town centre turns out to be a no go area and residents are forced to run to Amazon for their goods rather than visit a dump.
You have to keep regenerating a town centre to make it look inviting and pleasing to the eye, similar to the reason you decorate and maintain your own homes. Remember the councils home is the town centre which needs to be the hub of a thriving community with spokes reaching out to the circumference of the town put forward a true example. I returned to Grappenhall 3 years ago and in that time I have made every attempt to join a NHS dental practice without success I have had to travel to St Helens, Wigan and Rochdale being the places the NHS 111 help line could secure an appointment. This is social care that seems not to exist anymore in Warrington. You may argue that this is not the responsibility of the council and bury your heads in the sand, yet you make a charge through the council tax demand for social care. Where does this money go? Will it be abolished now the government have increased National Insurance to cover the costs you claim? The increase in the number of residents in the town will compound this and many other ?Social? problems further frustrating residents and inciting future unrest. You are a paid service provider so provide and encourage the necessary basics.
Regarding traffic volume and flow. This is a subject that is known to be emotive. The increase in pollution with cars stood idle at traffic lights 24 hours a day belching out fumes needlessly because town planners cannot look forward and ask themselves are traffic lights actually needed at such a location for 24 hours a day or could they be ?timed? lights where they are not needed at certain times of day or night. This technology has been in existence for years yet I still end up waiting at traffic lights in the middle of the night with no other car on the road polluting the atmosphere for no reason. The planners should also ask themselves that if the lights were turned off when not needed how much money could be saved. It would pay for the cost of the timer many times over in the first 12 months.
It would be pointless raising and arguing the matter of volume of traffic, as doing a Traffic Road Count is fudged in many ways with the most used method of doing a count over a 4 week period whilst schools are closed in the summer thus not recording the ?school run? and using the fudged data to quantify any proposed development.
The locality of relevant and needed business premises is vital and understandable, however, there currently remains countless empty business premises that the council lose vital income in taxes. Could this issue not be addressed first? With incentives and dangling carrots?
How can the council guarantee that when building new business premises that they would not fall into the unused business premises pot within 10 years like so many that currently exist.