Respondent name
Paula Young
Respondent Type
Policy Name/Part of plan
Summary of comments

The Plan is not justified or deliverable, nor does it meet the assessed needs of the area. Moreover, the Six56 development is still included in the Plan. Yet there is a lack of motorway junction capacity, lack of multimodal transport options and there will be heritage damage and an impact on the environment. The plan will destroy the distinctive nature of South Warrington, leading to large losses of this vital Green Belt. The figure of 4,200 new houses in addition to the number already approved is proposed for Appleton, which will make it an urban sprawl: the very thing the Green Belt should prevent. The plan provides no indication of how public transport will developed to support these huge housing numbers. It is certain that additional car numbers will feed into increasing congestion. There are no plans provided to deal with the issue of the canal crossings, either in terms of refurbishment of existing bridges, or the provision of additional crossings. Lumb Brook Road traffic will increase and Red Lane (single lane, listed building) will become a worse rat run from Quarry Lane and Windmill Lane. Extra Traffic from Hatton will exert pressure for widening or rebuilding Hough Lane Bridge. As more traffic seeks to miss the centre of town by using the new Slutchers Lane bypass this will put additional pressure on the Walton MSC bridge. Air monitoring in Stockton Heath shows that pollution from particulates is already approaching the WHO recommended maximum. The document does not mention air pollution as a concern. Plans for infrastructure to support the thousands of proposed new houses are absent. Plans to improve and regenerate the Town Centre are missing. In attempting to satisfy Conservative government housing plans that are outdated, the plan grabs large areas of Green Belt, which is a vital lung for the town and reserve for essential insect, plant and animal life. The Plan must be re-examined and revised to reduced proposed new housing numbers, preserve our Green Belt and improve the local infrastructure , schools, GPs and public transport.