We have collected the representations made to the consultation on the Updated Submission Version Local Plan 2021.

You can view them by paging through the list of representations, search by the local plan representation number or by name using the filter. You can also look at the Local Plan documents on our website.


Alan Brookes
Mrs Donna Romani
Mr Simon Romani
Wesley Highton
Julie Boyle
Michael Boyle
R. A. Robinson
Susan Moran
Professor Brian Axcel
Frank Smith
Anita Gallo
Judith Brown
Rosalind M Alcock
Laurence Panes
Dr Woodthorpe
Mrs J Woodthorpe
Laura Platts
Jonathan Platts
Anne Bowler
Brian Aitchison
Mr Neil Foxall
Nicola Law
Lee Diggett
Rob Fullerton-Batten
Stephen Peers
Moira Peers
Chris Wakefield
Mrs B Liles
Mrs Deborah Corness
Mr Corness
Dr Chee Yeong
Jeff Marshall
Lester T Scott
Valerie Hotchkiss
Robert Towers
Barbara Frost
Mrs Michelle Yeong
Sarah Robinson
Karen Davidson
Caroline Smith
Lynn Lockwood
Anne Pridden
Miss Jane Speakman
Fiona Williams
Kenneth Ainsworth
John Upton
Susan Upton
John Riley
Jeanette Riley