Get hands on with your career

Let us help get you on the right path

Warrington LiFE is a careers information, advice and guidance service offering practical support in looking for work as well as information and advice on education, employment and training. 

Our priority is to make sure every young person makes the right choice and this choice helps them to remain in education, training or employment with training.

We offer one-to-one careers guidance appointments either face to face, virtual or over the phone. Our purpose is to work with you to understand your interests and find the best career choice for you.

We aim to achieve this by

  • Providing support in finding the right course
  • Assisting with completing course applications
  • Giving advice regarding employment and training
  • Supporting young people in finding a job, including completing application forms and writing a CV, as well as providing advice on interview skills
  • Providing information about career pathways and job roles, including potential earnings and qualification requirements
  • Informing young people about welfare support and benefits, and any available grants

Our service is impartial, which means we look at all of the options available and provide information and advice to help young people to make informed decisions about learning and work opportunities. Our targeted support service also provides guidance, which is confidential.

Why do we contact you?

We have a legal duty to keep up-to-date information about the ‘destinations’ of young people in Warrington, for example if you are attending college or are in work or training. This information enables us to offer support to any young people who may not be accessing opportunities as part of RPA (Raising the Participation Age)

We work with schools and colleges to gather information required by the Department for Education but occasionally we may need to contact you via telephone, letter or home visit to see if you need any information or advice relating to work and training opportunities.

Other formats
If you have any concerns or questions about the language used on our website or require information in another language or format including large print, Braille, audio or British Sign Language or simply require assistance please email


Funded by UK Government


Careers Centre,
One Time Square,

01925 442211




16 September 2024